Monday, January 31, 2011



This tutorial is for those who have Toxic OS, HDLoader, and/or HDAdvance. Presuming you use one of these, I am guessing you know how to do the independant exploit, if not PM me and I will explain. Those who use Swap Magic and other applications should void this tutorial and seek others for help. Please read carefully or you may have problems playing certain games. Please also note, this tutorial is also for use with WinHiip, a program for transferriing your games to the PS2 Hard drive..

1. First of all, you should head over to PS2HD's Game List and make sure your game is compatable with your current HD game loader. If it is not, you may find the other loaders over at SKS Apps.

2. Next you will need to download a program to put the actual ISOs onto your HDD so they will be playable. I preffer to use WinHiip 1.7 so click here to download it.

3. Here is the fun part.... Shutdown your PC and remove the PS2 Hard Drive from the PS2. After you have removed it, disconnect the Cables from your CD or DVD drive inside your PC and plug them into your PS2's hard drive. Once you make sure everything is connected correctly, boot up your PC and Open WinHiip. Also note, you will not be able to view the contents of your PS2 HD from "My Computer". It will only show up in Windows Administrative Tools, and the program we are about to use, WinHiip. And if WinHiip freezes on you, close it and reopen it. Depending on your PC Specs it will freeze the first time you run it but after that it will run correctly.

From here on in I will post pictures along with text to help you.

4. Pic 1

Ok so from here we click "Select Drive" and click the one in the drop down list that has "(PS2)" in it's name. If it tells you that the drive does not posess a valid PS2 Master Boot record, you will need to format your PS2's hard drive. (Note: If you have the PS2 Hard Drive for Final Fantasy Online, you should not receive this message. If you do, your HD is malfunctioning and should be reformatted.)

5. Ok after you're done formatting, or are ready to add ISOs, we click the "Add Images" button. I will be using the currently released, FullMetal Alchemist 3 (JAP) game. Now you have a new Dialog that has popped up.

Pic 2

Ok so now we click "Add Image(s)" again on this new dialog and browse to where we saved our ISO. We click on the file we want and click the open button. It should return to the previous shown dialog and have a list of the files you have added.

6. Now that we have our ISOs selected, it's time to dump them onto the HD. So click start. Another dialog should pop up to rename the ISO and select the proper "Mode" to run the game correctly.

Pic 3

(Most games do not require a mode, however their are few that do. Check on PS2HD's list to see if it needs any modes to run correctly.) Now that we set our modes, and have renamed the ISO for easy game browsing, Click the "ok" button. And you will see this Dialog:

Pic 4

7. A couple minutes later, the ISOs will be installed and all you have to do is click the "OK" button. It will take you back to the main program and show you your list of games.

Pic 5

Shutdown your computer, unhook the PS2 HD, Put it in your PS2, boot your launching application (HDLoader, Toxic OS, HDAdvanced) and select your game from the list. Thats all their is to it. You're all done =)

PS. Dont forget to hookup whatever you unhooked in your PC before you boot it back up.

Tutorial Taken From SoloPS2

Saturday, January 29, 2011

COPIying games onto a Hard Drive for your PS2 with HDLoader CD

COPIying games onto a Hard Drive for your PS2 with HDLoader CD

Written by Carl Petty   
Wednesday, 09 February 2005
Preparing a PlayStation 2 (PS2) for use with HDAdvance(HDLoader prefrebly) is easy.Take a standard ATA/IDE hard drive (up to 120GB), attach it to a PlayStation 2 Network Adaptor, and slide the contraption into PS2's expansion bay. Insert the disc and load the software. That's it.
HDLoader's simple menu provides the expected options for imaging, running, renaming, and deleting your PS2 backups. The process of imaging a disc to the hard drive is often time-consuming due to the relatively slow speed of the PS2's optical drive. It usually takes the average game to load between 7 and 30 minutes to fully download depending on the full content of the game.
Things you Need
Installing the Harddrive

Thursday, January 27, 2011

myPS2 v1.2 Tutorial

myPS2 v1.2  Tutorial
Basic guide to using myPS2
Use whatever exploit method you know to get the myPS2 folders & files to your MC or HDD. I used uLaunchELF v3.50 .
If you use a USB Stick, you can create the MYPS2 folder with all the files,then use uLaunchELF's FileBrowser to copy the entire directory to the MC or HDD.
Then use uLaunchELF to launch the myPS2.elf


MYPS2/  <--create this folder, put the following directories , subdirectories & files in it. (all are case sensitive)
  • /boot/
  •  /fonts/
  •  /language/
  •  /shoutcast/
  •  /skins/
  •  /logs/
  • samba.xml
  • myps2.icn   <--Icon i made for the ps2 browser (optional)
  • icon.sys      <--Icon data for the ps2 browser's save name (optional)
  • USBD.IRX <--need this to access any USB device
If you want to install the program to your HDD you must add two entries to the CONFIG.DAT file:
hdd_boot_part             =hdd0:PARTITION
  • hdd0:_PARTITION  (if a system partition) made by formatting app
  • hdd0:+PARTITION (if a common partition) made by you with an app
hdd_boot_path            = /MYPS2/
Replace PARTITION with whatever you named the partition your putting the MYPS2 folder in.
hdd_boot_part is the name of the partition you have myPS2 installed on.
hdd_boot_path is the path of the directory you have myPS2 installed in.
hdd_boot_part                      = hdd0:+MYPS2hdd_boot_path                      = /MYPS2/
Follow the format of the other entries, this is my configuration, then save as UTF-8 in notepad.
[HDD] [PARTITION] [FOLDER] [hdd0:+MYPS2/MYPS2/] this is the address as seen in uLaunchELFv3.50
MYPS2/  <--create this folder, put the following directories , subdirectories & files in it. (all are case sensitive)
  • /boot/
  •  /fonts/
  •  /language/
  •  /shoutcast/
  •  /skins/
  •  /logs/
  • samba.xml

You can also run the program from CD. To do this burn the files on CD along with the SYSTEM.CNF file.
  • boot/
  • fonts/
  • language/
  • shoutcast/
  • skins/
  • logs/
  • samba.xml
You should also add a dummy file to the compilation.
It doesn't matter what this file is, just make sure it's at least 30 MB. Its only to fill space on the cd for easier reading by the PS2.
Use the method you know to burn the CD.

Configuring myPS2

USB Support
If you want to use your USB stick with myPS2 you need to supply an USBD.IRX module. You can find this module on many PS2 game discs so you can just copy it from one of your games.
Alternatively you can use the usbd module from Naplink which can be downloaded at
myPS2 will look for the USBD.IRX module in the installation directory first. If it can't find the file in the installation directory it will then look for the module on the memory card in the following places:
 - mc0:/USBD.IRX
 - mc0:/SMS/USBD.IRX
 - mc0:/PS2MP3/USBD.IRX
HDD Partition
If myPS2 detects a HDD on startup but cannot find a myPS2 partition, it will
ask you if you want to create one and guide you through the process. You don't
have to create a HDD partition but doing so will allow to use advanced features
such as Thumbnail Caching.
Gamepad Layout
Gamepad Button
Directional Pad
Select a file/entry
X button
Back to previous menu
Take a screenshot
Highlight list entries

When viewing an image fullscreen in the "My Pictures" menu:
Zoom in
Zoom out
Back to thumbnail view
Accessing Samba (Windows) Network Shares
You can access shared network folders from myPS2. To share a folder on a network under Windows XP, right click it and select "Sharing and Security".
To access the share from myPS2 you must then add an entry to the samba.xml file.
An entry in the file would look like this :
              <name>My C-Drive (SMB)</name>
name is the name that will show up in the menu.
path is the path to the network share.
The path can include a username and a password, as in the example above.
Whether this is neccessary or not depends on your Windows/Samba configuration.
computer is the network name of the computer. You can also enter the IP address of the computer instead of its name.
If you want to use this feature you must first configure the network in the Network Settings menu.
For more information on using myPS2, consult the 'read me' that was included with  myPS2v1

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Tutorial PCSX2


1.     Bueno en este tutorial explicaremos como configurar este emulador para intentar hacer funcionar varios juegos de PS2 en nuestro PC aunque no os esperéis milagros (de momento) porque solo unos pocos juegos son jugables.
2.     Lo primero que debemos hacer es ir a la sección de PS2 de la Web y descargarnos la ultima versión del PCSX2

3. Una vez en nuestro disco duro debemos descomprimirlo y como resultado obtendremos la carpeta pcsx2 con el siguiente contenido en su interior
3.     Para obtener los mejores resultados con este emulador hacen falta plugins, hoy por hoy los mejores plugins son estos, deberéis bajarlos todos
·         Plugin de Video
·         Plugin de Audio
·         Plugin de DVD
·         Plugin de Pad

4.     Una vez descargados todos los plugins los deberemos copiar a la carpeta plugins donde tenemos el emulador, la podéis ver la foto del punto 3, y después descomprimirlos en esa misma carpeta, con lo que debería quedar como muestra la siguiente imagen
Si queréis podéis borrar los archivos,, y ya que ya no son necesarios y lo único que hacen en nuestra carpeta es ocupar espacio, ya que lo realmente importante son los archivos dll.
5.     Otra cosa imprescindible para poder hacer funcionar este emulador es tener una Bios de una PS2, no voy a poner un link ya que seria ilegal, pero si voy a poner los nombres para que podáis buscarla en google o emule o donde queráis, eso si necesitareis la versión adecuada de bios para cada juego dependiendo de donde la región del mundo de donde venga el juego, Japón, Europa o usa.

·         Bios japonesa → SCPH10000.BIN
·         Bios Europea → SCPH30004R.BIN
·         Bios USA → SCPH39001.BIN
Buscando por esos nombres en google o emule no tendréis problemas en encontrarlos, y una vez la tengamos que suele venir en un archivo zip lo descomprimiros y la pegamos en la carpeta bios que se puede ver en el apartado 3, con lo que dicha carpeta quedaría así, en este caso con la bios japonesa.

6.     Muy bien ahora ya tenemos todo lo necesario para hacer funcionar este emulador de PS2 con lo que ahora pasaremos a configurarlo, para lo cual lo primero que tenemos que hacer es ejecutar el emulador, con lo que nos aparecerá una pantalla para seleccionar los plugins y configrarlos como deseemos, la primera pantalla deberá quedar como muestra la imagen
Nota: El plugin grafico tiene dos versiones el SEE2 y el normal, si tienes un P4 o un AMD64 deberás seleccionar el SSE2, pero si tienes cualquier procesador anterior a estos deberás seleccionar la versión normal.
7.     Lo siguiente que debemos hacer es configurar los plugins uno por uno, empezaremos con el plugin grafico, con lo que pulsaremos el boton configurar, lo optimo seria dejarlo de la siguiente manera si nuestra tarjeta grafica lo puede soportar

Ahora voy a explicaros un poco que significa cada cosa:
  • Resolution: Como su nombre indica, en esta opción deberemos seleccionar la resolución a la que queremos jugar, o windowed si lo queremos ejecutar en una ventana
  • Renderer: Aquí seleccionaremos el tipo de renderizado que queremos usar para los gráficos, se recomienda usar D3D, ya que se consiguen los mejores resultados que con las otras opciones.
  • Shader: En esta opción deberemos seleccionar los Shaders que queremos utilizar, dependiendo de los Shaders que soporte nuestra grafica, cuanto más alto sea la versión del Shader mejor.
8.     El siguiente apartado que configuraremos sera el “First Controller” con lo que pulsaremos configure en el boton correspondiente, nos saldra una pantalla con la cual podremos configurar los controles del juego como esta, en la que deberéis configurar los controles cada uno como quiera.

9.     Una vez configuremos los controles ya solo nos queda por configurar el plugin de DVD con lo que pulsaremos el boton configure correspondiente al DVD que deberéis dejarlo como esta esta

Nota: el apartado Drive, deberéis elegir la letra de vuestra unidad lectora donde vais a meter el disco de PS2 y el “interface” deberéis seleccionar vuestro sistema operativo, lo demás dejarlo como se ve en la foto.
Nota 2: Si vais a usar una ISO de un juego y no un CD, deberéis elegir otro plugin de DVD como el linuzapp iso o el CDVD Bin ya que el que hemos seleccionado solo sirve para juegos grabados en CD/DVD.

10.   Una vez lo configuremos todo pulsaremos OK las veces necesarias hasta que se cierre todo, con lo que deberemos volver a ejecutar el emulador y veremos una ventana como esta

11.   Metemos el DVD en la bandeja, elegimos en el menú “Run->execute” y ya tenemos nuestro emulador de PS2 “funcionando”.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Tutorial Emulator

Emulator Tutorial
InfoNES (rev 3)
InfoGB (rev 2)
This is a basic tutorial on how to run emulators from different devices. I chose 1
emu for each device, but others may work using the same methods. There are too many emus to have a tutorial on each.

Play from HDLoader:

InfoNES (rev3)
This version allows you to re-boot the boot.elf without needing to restart the PS2
You need to create a INFONES.CNF (this must be placed in the mc0:/PS2NES/ )

InfoNES will create the PS2NES folder on the MC after the first time its launched.
After its created you can add the INFONES.CNF to this folder.
You will also want to add the nes.icn & the icon.sys so the sony browser will see it as a valid save.
Make a folder (i used  ROMS_PD from  rev1) & put your roms in it
Create an ISO:
Open UltraISO & select "new", right-click the disc & rename it to INFONES (or whatever you want)

In the bottom left window, navigate to where your files located.
Then in the bottom right, Add system.cnf, InfoNES.elf & the roms folder

Click the 'Save' button in top menu

You will be prompted on where to save, the ISO format is already selected by default, so just name it & save.
Install to HDD:
FapLink is used for this tutorial, but you can use any method you know, to install an ISO to your ps2's HDD.
I used faplink since its a small file transfer & installed really quick (15 sec).I didnt feel like taking out my HDD for this.
If you need  help using it, heres a tutorial.
Open Faplink & select the ISO file you created above.
Click 'Install' . Not much more to tell.

Now you can select it from HDLoader's Game list.
To play from hdloader:
select InfoNES( whatever you named it)
press 'start button'
press 'X' on Browse CD
press 'start button" on Browse CDROM
Select the folder you made with your roms.
Other emu's :
InfoGB dlanor rev.2

Play from HDD

Put the Pgen.elf & all your roms in a folder (i named mine SEGA), then copy that folder  to a pen drive. Then put the pendrive into the PS2 usb slot & start ps2.
You must have a partition available, if you dont, then create one with DMS HDD Tools  Ulaunchelf & myPS2 can create them as well.
press START for the filebrowser
select mass:/
select the folder with your roms & pgen.elf
press circle button to select it
press R1 for command menu
select copy
press triangle button to move up a directory
select hdd0:/+partition (whatever you named it)
press R1, then select paste. It will copy the folder & all contents
Return to main menu by pressing SELECT
press SELECT to go to configuration screen
choose an empty button & press O to edit
select hdd0:/
select the partition you put the pgen elf in
select the pgen.elf
select 'OK' to save
now press the assigned button
Sorry, i didnt have my camera handy, so no pics available, not that you need any.
myPS2  if you dont have a partition already, myps2 will ask to create one
Choose > My Files
Choose >Select Source, >  mass:  > SEGA
press SQUARE to select it
press the up button till you highlight the 'Select Dest'
press X,
Choose > pfs0:
Scroll up till you highlight "start copying",
press X button
After its at 100%, your done!!
select Go Back
At the main screen Choose > "My Programs"
Next screen Choose > Select ELF , then pfs0:,then hdd partition you installed to, then SEGA, then PGEN_12.ELF (or whatever yours is)
 hit X
PGEN Menu :
Select ROM list. Select  hdd partition you installed to, then SEGA. You should see all your games.
The in-game Menu is the 'SELECT' button. From there you can switch different game, save, load,etc.
Other Emu's:

Launch from CD

SNES Station
Method 1 (Easy)
Burn a DATA CD with the snes.elf & the folder with the roms.
Get myPS2 version .02 (not as complicated as the later versions)
Launch myPS2 v.02 with your exploit
At the main screen, swap the disc without using eject (knife trick)
After the swap, select " My programs", then "Select ELFs", then "cdfs:" then  SNES_EMU.ELF(or whatever yours is), hit the "X " button.
Method 2 (Hard)
No KnifeSwap
This is an adaptation of BIRDWIG's tutorial for swapping without a Modchip or the knife trick. Credit goes to him for it.
First lets make sure you can use this method. Get the Nero Info Tool.
Open it dummy!

It must read Raw Dao 16. If yours has it, then continue, if not you will only waste your time & a CD if you continue.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Create files:
Open NotePad  & put the following . Be sure that you hit the enter key after the entry, so the cursor is blinking at the third row (important)
The elf name must match your elf file's name. Now save it as copy.cnf
Open notepad again, select new, now hold the X button down until the page is full,
right-click in the page & 'select all',
press Ctrl + C to copy,
press Ctrl + V to paste.
Keep pasting untill you have about 20 MBs of data.
Now save it as DUMMY.DAT.
You should now have these 2 files:
The following requires a pendrive, if you dont have one, you can use birdwig's original tutorial with the FTP method.
Prepare the ps2:
We need to make 2 folders
Load UlaunchELF
press start for the file browser
select the mc0:
press R1 for Menu
select New Dir
type PS2REALITY > press OK
you should now be in the new directory you just made
press R1 again
select New Dir again
type SNES > press OK
Above the screen should say Path: mc0:/PS2REALITY/SNES if done correctly
Copy these files to your pendrive:
  • copy.cnf
  • mcloader.elf
Put the pendrive in the PS2, & load UlaunchELF.
press start for file browser
select mass:/
MARK the *mcloader.elf
press R1 for menu
select copy
press triangle till you are back at the  file browser's main screen
select mc0:/
press R1
select paste
mcloader.elf should now be in that folder
press triangle & go back
select mass:/
MARK *copy.cnf  & *SNES_EMU.ELF
press R1
select copy
press triangle & go back
select mc0:/
select PS2REALITY/
select SNES/
press R1
select paste
You should now have both files in the SNES folder
Your PS2 is now ready for the CD. Lets test it.
press SELECT button to return to main screen
press SELECT again to enter the config screen
select any empty button to assign the mcloader.elf
press O to edit
select mc0:/
select mcloader.elf
you should now be returned to the Main screen
Press the button you assigned to mcloader to launch it now
PS2REALITY's mcloader will display a few screens
When you see Applications In The MC you want to select it by pressing X
You should now see SNES Station, select it & press X
SNES Station should now load up.
Press SELECT  & it will say [Please change CD, Then Press X]
Hit eject button so the tray opens, then hit it again to close.
press X & you should see whatever is on your ps1 trigger disc.
 Preparing the CD
Open CDGEN3.0
Drag the DUMMY.DAT you made into it first
now drag all your roms next ( click 'edit' then 'select all' to drag all at once)

Goto File > Save Image
Save as type choose CDX CDR (*.cdx)
Burning the CD
Open Nero by double clicking the *cue fileyou just made.

Check the settings, then click burn.
Testing the disc
Start UlaunchELF & press the button for mcloader.
press X on applications in the MC
press X on SNES Station
press SELECT ( Please change CD, Then Press X appears) dont press X yet !!
hit EJECT to open the tray
swap discs
close the tray
press X
after a min or so, your roms should display.
If you get a message saying  no Roms or Directories on the CD,  then you either didnt burn the disc right, or your burner doesnt support RAW DAO 16

Play by MC

InfoGB (rev 2)
Make a folder called PS2GB (required by infoGB) on the MC. If you cant make one, just launch the infoGB elf & it will make one.
This version allows you to re-boot the boot.elf without needing to restart the PS2
You need to create a INFOGB.CNF