Thursday, February 10, 2011

Updated 16HDLOADER

What you'll need

To run HDloader you'll need the following:

1. A Sony PS2 network adapter
2. Either a Sony PS2 HDD (Hard disk) or standard IDE HDD, HD loader reccomend between 40GB and 120GB, however there has been plenty of reports from people having success with smaller disks (apparantly PS2's won't use over 130GB though)
3. A copy of HD loader, alternatively if you wish to use a backed up copy to protect your original obtain a cracked copy (must be cracked backing up your original won't do).

To purchase any of the above click Here


Q HDLoader freezes at the splash screen! Help!

A A few hard disk drives (specifically, a few recent Segate models) do not play nicely with older models of the official Sony PS2 network adapter. Also double check you have the jumper setting on your the HDD your using set to 'Master'

Q Is HDLoader compatible with DVD-9 (Dual layer) games?

A No unfortunatly not, however a work around would be to locate a DVD5 rip of the game your trying to install.

Q Is HDloader compatible with CD games ?

A Yes most CD games should be fine. However there have been many reports of CD-Rips not working.

Q Is HDLoader compatible with modchips?

A Yes with a modchip installed you'll be able to install imports and backups along with originals. However chips that power down after the PS2's boot sequence (such as the Magic 3.1) will not allow you to install imports and backups.

Q When trying to run a game I've just installed I just get a black screen, is there anything I can do ?

A Yes within HDloader highlight the game in question then press select on controller1, then try each different setting. When the game succesfully boots HDloader will remember the setting you used, so there's no need to do this each time.

Q Can I use PS1 games with HDloader ?

A No

Q Do I need to boot up with the HDloader disk inserted in my PS2 each time ?

A Yes (unless using running it from your memory card). However this isn't any great problem though, simply leave it in all the time. Once the game you wish to play has started to load you can remove the HDloader disk if you wish.

Q Can I play online games using HDloader ?

A No, HDloader disables the PS2's network adapter

Q Can I make use of Action Replay/Gameshark codes using HDloader ?

A No this is not possible.

Q How do I install HD loader to my memory card (DMS3 Devmode 1) ?

A Obtain HLOADER.ELF of size = around 640KB
Now create a CDR containing the following


Using notepad edit SYSTEM.CNF, and copy and paste the following in:

BOOT2 = cdrom0:\HDLOADER.ELF;1
VER = 1.0

INSTALL.CNF - Again edit this file with notepad and copy and paste the following in:

HDLoader 1.0

Double check your CDR contains the following:


Then using your favourite burning software burn the disk in Mode2.

Tip, if you'd like your PS2 to boot straight into HDloader rather than DMS's explorer, rename HDLOADER.ELF to BOOT.ELF along with all references to the file in SYSTEM.CNF and INSTALL.CNF

Trouble shooting, if your disk will not boot in your PS2, try adding some dummy files to your CDR.

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